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Brain Training

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:45 pm
by DrJessieND

I first discovered breath work back in the mid-eighties, when I became pregnant with my daughter, Karina. I wanted a water birth, and the National under water birth educator happened to be in Austin! She always coached her future Moms in conscious breath work called Rebirthing.

After my first couple of sessions, I started having a lot of higher consciousness connections, and wonderful awareness. I became a major fan of breath work, and went on to get further training and development in it. The results with people were amazing, especially when we did it in groups. I found that I needed it for my own growth and development fairly constantly.

Over a decade ago I met a gentleman from Canada, Core Love, who had created a particular type of breath work that resulted in significant brain healing, brain training, and character development. I jumped into his work and practiced diligently. I have been using his most recent creation, and it has evolved beyond the breath and is available at the link, below. This is extremely valuable cognitive function software and I still use breath work alongside it.

Click Here

The outcome of practicing this brain training technology is more Intelligence. It shows up in adaptability, more connection, creativity and definitely more compassion.

Further, there are group events to practice with, through the website, so join those. You will meet people from all over the world. I will see you there.