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Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:04 am
by DrJessieND

Welcome to the brand new Keener Intelligence forum, where we can all engage as community. Come through this door to enter into a new way of thinking and being. We just have a few simple rules to follow:

1. Be kind, no judgements of any type.

2. Keep your content related to actual topics on the site, i.e., Food/kitchen, clean skincare, Supplements, Brain training, etc. Although we expect the number of topics to expand with time, allow us to introduce that topic here, first.

3. In lieu of a newsletter, all updates will be posted here, first. So check back in frequently.

We are very grateful to be launching this site. My husband (he is a coder/web master and created this site and much of the art) and I have worked to make this a special place where folks can safely congregate digitally, and engage fully. As many of you know, there are currently topics that are forbidden on normal internet browsers, so ultimately we will move this forum to the block chain, when necessary.

We do wish to keep all politics and religion off this site, think of it more like a friendly dinner conversation that ends up going into the wee hours of the morning.

Let us know your thoughts about our topics, content, your experiences with any of the products, etc.