Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD
Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD
Read this article in the Forum and be a part of the discussion: Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD

Meet Your Endocannabinoid System
Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass - Endocannabinoid System
During the 1980’s scientists discovered a brand new system within the human body, the Endocannabinoid System, or ECS. This system was made up of receptors for particular substances, cannabinoids, and was determined to be the master regulator for homeostasis (balance) in the body. The ECS acts as a chemical bridge between body and mind. It regulates blood sugar, immune function, muscle and fat tissues, hormones, pain centers, reward centers, and metabolic functions.

Whoa! That's a lot of therapeutic function from a very simple plant: hemp. Sadly, this wonderful plant that has so many valuable uses was ostracized in the early 1900’s, in the US primarily, because it is related to marijuana. Hemp is NOT Marijuana, although they look very similar. It creates no high, yet it does do amazing things for human health.

My theory is that before the US government outlawed the use of Marijuana, both of those plants were abundant in the fields. The ruminators (bison, cattle, goats, sheep, etc.) ate both and we (well, not US, but our ancestors) ate plenty of those meats. Another words, we had to evolve eating these molecules, otherwise, why would we have an entire system throughout the body designed just for them?

Some of the more exciting properties of cannabinoids in the human body include pain resolution, more rapid healing of injuries, surgeries, better focus, less anxious and depressed feelings, more adaptability and lower inflammation. Who doesn’t need that these days?

I have been using CBD and other cannabinoids for years (there are 113 different ones!), and finally found a company that has complete integrity with their science as well as growing and manufacturing of therapeutic hemp products, and of course, it is USDA Certified Organic. I am putting the link below, for your convenience.

Here is the link for Green Compass Organic CBD, then Click the "JOIN" button at the top of the page. Then down the page on the right you will see "I'm New Here" and Create A New Account, then Click Continue to register for a new account.

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD
Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Green Compass Organic CBD

Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
Read this article in the Forum and be a part of the discussion: Cortisol And Brain Health

There are many ways to accelerate brain health, and one of them is essential for everyone, managing the hormone Cortisol, aka. "The stress hormone."

Produced by the adrenal glands, Cortisol is essential for the "flight or fight" response and is critical to our survival. The
Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
physical effects of Cortisol are designed to give us that adrenaline rush, push the energy into our extremities, and prepare us literally for the fight of our life or the sprint away from the enemy as fast as we can. Obviously this has really worked well or we wouldn’t be here.

However, modern science has discovered that there are some problems with Cortisol that gets too high, or that doesn’t regulate back down after the danger is resolved. The most important distinction as it relates to brain health is that elevated Cortisol causes massive inflammation in the body and in the brain. In fact, high Cortisol causes dementia and even is part of Alzheimer’s disease.

Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
Let’s take a look at how this happens. First of all, remember that the purpose of Cortisol is to prepare the body for and carry it through the fight or flight response. What that looks like inside the body is that all of our energy (except for the very vital functions of lungs and heart) moves into our arms and legs, while our brain power shifts to the more reptilian parts of our brain that are hard-wired for survival. This means our thought s are more about calculating distances to that cave, or tree branch to outsmart the enemy. This is strictly “kill, or be killed” thinking.

Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
So far so good, right? But let’s look more closely at how humans evolved. All the scientific experts on human evolution agree that the average hunting/gathering human had a very distinct lifestyle. The average man enjoyed a 23-hour work week, the average woman 24 hours per week. Wait, what?! That means all work, from hunting, to building a safe home, to rendering meat, making food, clothing, etc. added up to 23-24 hours per week. The rest of that time was leisure!

Furthermore, it is also scientifically agreed that the size of the adrenal glands (the size of the last joint of our thumbs) has not gotten any bigger since those times. So when you look at our cultural norm of a 40-hour work week, and the existing culture of fear that dominates our populations, it is quite easy to see that there is a real problem in paradise: we are all over-working and under resting our adrenal glands.

The built-in safety for the body with Cortisol has always been the RESULT of the spiked adrenaline: Running flat-out or fighting all-out. The result: either out of the gene pool or victory, and well deserved rest, which allows the body to down-regulate Cortisol and resume normal body functions such as moving back into the frontal and POT lobes of the brain, strong digestion, normal reproductive hormone flows, and proper immune response. Let’s face it, when you are fighting for your life, do you need to be digesting breakfast?

Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
Now here is the billion dollar insight: once a body has experienced enough "Cortisol Spikes," or adrenaline bursts without the proper high-level physical activity, the very mechanism for bringing down the high Cortisol breaks. Gone and forgotten by the body, which is now in a level of dissociative compensation. Here is where real problems begin in the body, chronic inflammation being the most recognized by science. But that is actually just the beginning, as digestion slows down, causing fermentation of our foods in the gut tract which over-loads the liver with toxins. Now the liver has over 100,000 functions that we know of so far, from purifying the blood, to conjugating and recycling hormones, to helping blood sugar and even mental cognitive functions. Stressing this powerhouse out is a big No-No for brain power.

Lots of people start having sleep problems, which makes sense as the body is in that heightened flight or fight response with no
Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
mechanism for correction.

The thyroid gland has to go "hypo" or underactive with high Cortisol, a fairly recent discovery, which can be devastating to the body. Things like weight gain, premature balding and hair loss, cold extremities, reproductive hormone imbalances, more mental/cognitive dysfunction like poor concentration and depression (to name a few of the symptoms of low thyroid) start to show up.

It does not take long for the blood sugar mechanism of the pancreas to start to go hay-wire, initially causing low blood sugar, eventually causing diabetes. Low blood sugar also creates enormous brain and nervous system symptoms, the most common ones being short-term memory loss, anxiety/ panic attacks, irritability, forgetfulness, shakiness, depression, weakness and even fainting spells.

Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
As a Naturopathic doctor with over 3 decades of clinical experience I can attest that the vast majority of "Brain symptoms" that my patients present when they walk in my door are not originating in the brain, they are originating from things like high Cortisol. *Think of this culprit like the Darth Vader to all of our positive hormones including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroxin (thyroid hormone) and insulin. Think of it as on a seek and destroy mission to your brain as it overrides your neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) Serotonin, Dopamine, Gaba and Norepinephrine and causes real changes in how you think and process memories. Hint: High Cortisol suppresses DMT, and keeps us in duality.

So the common strategies that work are regular aerobic exercise (start slowly if you have been sedentary) everyday such as
Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
walking, rebounding, running (if you are in shape) for 20 minutes per day, or more. Eating 3 meals per day, focusing on proteins, healthy fats and low-starch vegetables can make a huge difference as it stabilizes blood sugar. Cutting back on or reducing caffeine can make big changes to the body as well.

Because of the "hit" to digestion from excess Cortisol, taking digestive enzymes before meals and even some Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl) after meals ensures that things aren’t fermenting and that you are actually getting the nutrients broken down. There is an old saying that you are what you eat, I think the new Intelligent saying is "You are what you can absorb."

Breath work to relax the body and balance the brain is very helpful; any breathing sequences designed to relax the body. There is a direct link from the adrenal glands to the diaphragm, so when Cortisol is too high, opening up the belly with the inhale makes a huge difference. The "Box" Breath is terrific, where you inhale for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold the breath out for 4 seconds, and repeat.

Processing memories where you were in a big fight or flight response is also important, using the Brain Training process over at and allowing the technology to do its thing, is essential. I have seen no faster way to resolve trauma! Times where you went into shock, nearly died, or
Keener Intelligence - Cortisol and Brain Health
had a major trauma occur are the best ones to get big results from. Although you may not want to, there are bigger rewards from processing the most epic Cortisol times. You can always start with smaller ones like a relationship break up, a minor car accident, being fired, etc. and get your confidence built up to take on the big ones. That is a great way to go.

You will also want to process positive times where you felt cool, calm and collected, such as after a fulfilling work-out, or perhaps after making love to your sweetie, being on vacation, etc. These steps are more appealing, so you can start here if you wish, and then progress to some negatives.

Any change you make will likely show up quickly in the function of your brain, as you get smarter, sharper and retain more of the important information you are processing throughout your day. Remember, your brain wants to function at its optimum; it is up to each of us to support that!

There are many excellent stress Adaptogens to help the adrenal glands learn to regulate Cortisol better. Professional Formulas, one of my above vendors, makes a great combination in their Stress Adaptogen Complex and their Phyto-Calm supplements. I like taking them together and multiple times per day if I am highly challenged.

*There may be other reasons such as yeast-fungus overgrowth, food sensitivities, and side effects from medications, etc. but those are for another article.

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies
Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies
Read this article in the Forum and be a part of the discussion: Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies

Over the decades I have seen many very good supplement companies come and go. There have been only a few that have withstood the test of both time and tribulations.

Because natural substances cannot be patented, the pharmaceutical companies do not want us to have access to effective remedies from Mother Nature.

They actively push to outlaw them! As long as we can have access to these items, here are my links so far, I have had relationships with these companies for decades.

Beyond Intelligent remedies for you and your loved ones!

Click this link to go to Professional Formulas and register for a new account. When filling out the form put this code in at the bottom of the form to purchase from them. "Doctor Code" CRV697T

Click this link to go to SYSTEMIC FORMULAS and register for a new account. When filling out the form put this code in at the bottom of the form to purchase from them. "Doctor Referral Code" Tx-cl01

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies
Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies

Keener Intelligence - Nutritional Supplements / Vibrational Remedies

About Dr. Keener Jessie has been a Breath Work healer and Naturopathic Physician since 1987, callings she has given her all to. As with many other healers, Jessie lost her own health when she was a young adult and entered full-blown menopause along with fainting spells and severe pain syndromes in her early 20’s. She was fortunate to meet a world-class Clinical Nutritionist, Dr. Theresa Dale, PhD., who took her case and resolved it over a 2.5 year period of time. Dr. Dale had assured Jessie that she would be able to have a child, which Dr. Keener went on to do!

Fully inspired by her experience with natural medicine, Jessie got her degree in Naturopathic Medicine and has practiced for over 3 decades, integrating conscious breath work with Naturopathy. Her vast knowledge of what actually works has proven to be life-changing for thousands.

She has hosted her own TV Health talk show, and done hundreds of radio and podcast interviews.

Dr. Jessie is a dedicated educator and facilitator for true health. (website) She is married and resides in Central Texas, USA.